Water Saving Tips

In many parts of the world the heat is very dry and the summer is enduring. So we turn on our air conditioners, consume more water and try and keep our gardens alive. In Australia, the average water consumption is 500 liters per day which puts Aussies among the highest water consumers in the world! With issues of mass population growths in not only Australia but across the Asia-Pacific region, demand for clean, accessible water is ever increasing.

How can we save water?

We can certainly do our bit and save water by taking small steps in the right direction. Here are a few tips worth sharing:

  • Fit a water saving shower arm and rose.
  • Service your taps.
  • Service your toilet cisterns.
  • Replace toilets with a dual flush type.
  • Fit pressure-reducing valves to water meter and hot water unit.
  • Check toilets for leaks and repair or service if necessary.
  • Check for evidence of water leaks. When checking for water leaks it is a good idea to firstly check the water meter. If it is turning when water is not being used this can indicate water leakage. Ensure there are no toilet cisterns filling or taps running prior to checking.

Call VIP Plumbing on 1800 319 522 and our team of qualified trained plumbing professionals will provide you with a pipe and leak detection service.

At VIP Plumbing in Melbourne, we provide a range of commercial plumbing maintenance services, including preventative and reactive/emergency maintenance.

Preventative plumbing maintenance occurs regularly at scheduled intervals and is vital for extending the lifespan of plumbing systems. By regularly maintaining your plumbing systems, such as your gutters or hot water, the VIP Plumbing team helps to minimise the likelihood of costly emergencies occurring down the track.

Our reactive/emergency plumbing maintenance is required by clients when they identify an issue with their system. A professional plumber from VIP Plumbing will assess your issue, whether that be problems with your sewerage, gas issues, leaks or something else, and rectify it before it causes any more disruptions to your Melbourne business.      

At VIP Plumbing in Melbourne, we provide a range of commercial plumbing maintenance services, including preventative and reactive/emergency maintenance.

Preventative plumbing maintenance occurs regularly at scheduled intervals and is vital for extending the lifespan of plumbing systems. By regularly maintaining your plumbing systems, such as your gutters or hot water, the VIP Plumbing team helps to minimise the likelihood of costly emergencies occurring down the track.

Our reactive/emergency plumbing maintenance is required by clients when they identify an issue with their system. A professional plumber from VIP Plumbing will assess your issue, whether that be problems with your sewerage, gas issues, leaks or something else, and rectify it before it causes any more disruptions to your Melbourne business.      

Get in Touch

Commercial plumbing is among our core trade specialties at VIP Plumbing. We keep a growing clientele of commercial clients, and frequently assist with any need they may have for sewer drain cleaning, and drain maintenance services. No matter the specifics of your request, our team of specialists is always ready for the job. Just call us at 1300 976 050 to see what we can do to help with your sewer and drain cleaning needs. Experience the VIP difference.